We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.

Self-Replicating Nano-Technology?

So recently a study was published on the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR) website that caused some minor consternation among the mRNA “vaccine” championing brigade. By “minor consternation” I mean the alarm, agitation, and/or dismay felt by this specific group of Establishment bootlickers was restricted specifically to the urgency relating to hand-waving and ad hominem-ing it away as quickly and aggressively as possible, because that is how Science™ works now.

Why request the study be repeated and verified across multiple labs when you can dismiss it out of hand because you don’t like the findings? This is of course, one of the main differences between the use of the scientific method and Science™, and also the main similarity between cults and Science™. Open, repeatable and verifiable methods replaced with unquestionable dogma. Science™ is arguably worse however as it pretends to be rational and logical, but it quickly becomes apparent it is not if you ask the “wrong” questions about any major topic that now falls within its dominion.

Cargo Cult

The term Cargo Cult has it’s origins in descriptions of various religious and political groups with a particular set of characteristics, usually more specifically millenarianism, a type of belief system where some impending paradigm-shifting, epoch-ending event or cataclysm changes everything. It is often applied to primitive villages and tribes but if you look a bit more carefully you’ll actually see it all over the place, and not just in overtly religious settings. The so-called “secular” world, the enlightened types who don’t believe in magic men in the sky but do believe everything that exists with it’s irreducibly complex interdependent systems and self-sustaining mechanisms are just random accidents, they love a bit of millenarianism. Just scroll through YouTube and see how many seconds it takes to come across a video declaring “THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING” where some ultra-credulous tech bro hyperventilates about AI, or Quantum Computers, or Gene Editing or some other vapourware. It won’t take long.

The would be Stewards of the Earth, the self-appointed architects of the future, i.e. the Davos Parasite Class also enjoy a liberal helping of millenarianism as can be seen in countless articles on the WEF website with their 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset being obvious examples of “everything changing”.

Interestingly, over time the phrase Cargo Cult has taken on a slightly different meaning, and there are now arguments about the colonial origins of the practice, the term etc. which is not really the point. The more modern meaning which can be summed up as the ritualistic use of something that serves no real purpose does have notable parallels with what we see going on today and has been insidiously spreading through the ranks of the Intelligencia for quite some time.

Back in 1974 Richard Feynman gave a commencement address at Caltech (link) where he talked about Cargo Cult Science, and the importance of honesty in any scientific endeavour. Here is a quote…

In the South Seas there is a Cargo Cult of people. During the war they saw airplanes land with lots of good materials, and they want the same thing to happen now. So they’ve arranged to make things like runways, to put fires along the sides of the runways, to make a wooden hut for a man to sit in, with two wooden pieces on his head like headphones and bars of bamboo sticking out like antennas—he’s the controller—and they wait for the airplanes to land. They’re doing everything right. The form is perfect. It looks exactly the way it looked before. But it doesn’t work. No airplanes land. So I call these things Cargo Cult Science, because they follow all the apparent precepts and forms of scientific investigation, but they’re missing something essential, because the planes don’t land.


We see this a lot in Science™ where all kinds of claims are made, we get torrents of studies, papers, statistics, computer models and so on, we are told this is all “following the Science”, but the planes don’t land, or in other words the claimed outcomes never actually materialise.

Notable examples of the metaphorical planes not landing are the failed apocalyptic predictions of Climate Science™, the failed claims of protection from the Holy Vaccine industry, the failed doom-mongering predictions of the Overpopulation Myth, and the obvious fact that despite the improvements in technology generally, the incessant drive to cram it into literally everything is making almost everything worse. The endless rhetoric of realising untold rewards and unlocking the door to techno-utopia if only we can shoehorn AI and an internet connection into your tin-opener, toothbrush and water-flask is responsible for much of what is functionally wrong in modern life as it is painfully obvious that nothing works properly.

The tech industry is uniquely positioned to demonstrate this better than most because for one, as has been noted, it is ubiquitous even in areas where it is not just unwarranted but actually undesirable, but also it’s fairly easy to see why. The cargo cultism permeates the industry from start to finish as the ideas for things to sell to people are developed with processes that give the appearance of analysing market forces, rigorously developed business plans and so on, but there is no real substance to any of it.

Obviously that’s not to say they don’t sell any of these absurd ideas…

In the same way that Ponzi Schemes are scams, that doesn’t mean no-one makes any money. One can only conclude from the above that it was easier than you’d perhaps think to convince people they needed to spend almost £100 on a water flask that needs charging up and connects to an app to track your “intake”, as opposed to just checking what’s left in the flask at any point.

The realm of Science and Technology is one enormous hype-machine, and it’s single biggest achievement is that it has effectively replaced religion for most people, can sell people bluetooth connected teapots, convince them to inject harmful substances, that 20C weather in summer is a “heatwave” and if you just pay more taxes, stop driving your car and use paper straws you’ll save the planet from a gas that actually keeps everything alive. Governments have funded many of the so-called technological advances for obvious reasons.

The practice of performing these meaningless rituals as part of almost every aspect of life now, not so much the purchasing of AI-powered toothbrushes, but more the processes that led to the sale of them, and the things we are relentlessly bludgeoned into believing are Science, or “following the Science”, certainly carry all the hallmarks of cargo cults.

When we can recognise something that is a meaningless ritual carried out due to a lack of understanding of what and why it’s even being done and spot the fraudulent attempts to appear “Scientific” for what they are, it is easier to then question it. Regarding computer programming a chap called Steve McConnell coined the phrase “cargo cult software engineering”. McConnell’s term describes “imposter organisations” that attempt to replicate the success (obviously what constitutes success is debatable) of other software companies by emulating the form but lacking real substance, or individual developers who insist on rigid adherence to a specific programming paradigm or routinely add code or structure needlessly because of a fundamental lack of understanding but cling to the belief that it makes their code better or is “the right way”. These examples can manifest in all kinds of areas of life as predatory and malevolent forces do their best to sell us everything from voice-controlled kettles to injections of dangerous genetic technology, and if we are not vigilant, we can be taken in. It has never been more important to be able to discern the difference between cargo cult Science and truth.


Before we have a look at the study mentioned at the outset, let’s have a quick look at the IJVTPR where it was published. On the “About Us” page there is a fair amount of information that describes the purpose of and processes used by the IJVTPR. It starts off well…

Fact-based research papers on all facets of funding, distribution, regulation, marketing, promotion, and environmental impacts of vaccines are encouraged. Unbiased theoretical papers and well-designed empirical studies of efficacy and safety are welcomed.


Sounds good doesn’t it? Fact-based, that’s a nice idea. Unbiased theoretical papers welcome, nice. Well-designed empirical studies welcome, also very nice. Then there’s this…

Contributions must be free of undisclosed “conflicts of interest”.

Yes I think that sounds like exactly what we’d want from a publishing journal specialising in injectable medical products where the chance of removing that product after the fact is close to impossible, and where vendors who make unfathomable amounts of money are also often shielded from any consequences should those products claimed “safety and efficacy” turn out to be not quite as advertised. Those vendors are not forbidden from publishing here, so it is not set up to be biased in any direction. As we saw, they expressly encourage unbiased submissions.

This is made 100% clear by the following paragraph…

Work presenting coherent theory, experimental findings, factual reports on current vaccine uses and policies, and civil debate within the scope of the journal are invited from all persons and entities — including those with disclosed vested interests. A vested interest in promoting one or many vaccines does not disqualify the contribution so long as those conflicting interests are plainly disclosed and the requirements of civility and scholarship are met.

So even the companies and individuals that profit from the products they might be submitting reports on are welcome to do so, providing those disclosures are made. This is certainly not some kind of anti-vaxxer echo chamber. On the contrary, the journal administrators appear to be actively encouraging all sides of any debate on the safety and efficacy of any and all vaccines to participate.

Open scientific debate is what the IJVTPR is about as can be seen from the following paragraph…

Authors are free to offer hunches, inferences, and hypothetical conclusions based on their own best judgment, but such statements should not be based solely on opinion. Of course, legal opinions, in the technical sense, may be offered where appropriate and identified as such, but, in general, this journal does not solicit or accept mere opinion pieces. We will apply the Feynman rule: “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.”

Baseless opinions are not welcome, but the results of experiments and the observations of them are the important ingredients, making this a journal of genuine scientific enquiry. Of course that doesn’t mean everything published is going to be 100% right, notwithstanding the obvious limits to the scientific method that we have discussed previously. No, science certainly does not have all the answers, but it is a useful tool that can definitely help us make decisions about what we may or may not choose to inject into ourselves.

The IJVTPR also has a “peer review” process for Science™ Disciples, as for them the peer review process is akin to a Holy Blessing that magically turns submitted papers into unquestionable doctrine. Obviously this is not the case, but for people who care deeply about such things, the IJVTPR has got your backs yo.

The Study

Let’s take a brief look at the study (PDF) now. It has a formidable title…

Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study


The abstract is as follows:

Systematic analyses of observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are published herein a peer-reviewed context for the first time. The global administration of these often-mandated products from late 2020 triggered a plethora of independent research studies of the modified RNA injectable gene therapies, most notably those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna. The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at up to 400X magnification. Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully controlled conditions. From such research, reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals. In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous — on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable — visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100μm, or greater, of many different shapes. There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth. All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures. As time progressed during incubation, simple one-and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions. They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains. Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time. Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.

In short, after observing the contents of vials of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID “vaccines” in strict laboratory conditions the study authors document the apparent “self-assembly of many artifactual structures”, where the word artifactual describes something produced or caused by an artifact, such as a device or a human action, or in other words, some process that is not naturally occurring.

Obviously for some strange reason the suggestion that COVID-19 injectable products, particularly the mRNA varieties contain “nanotechnology” makes many Science™ Disciples flip out, which is strange because there is no shortage of Establishment media sources that will tell you just that. Just a quick search online for the term “is mRNA nanotechnology?” returns a multitude of Government Approved Information Sources such as…

and the article on the Extremely Official and Approved™ NIH website titled:

Role of nanotechnology behind the success of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19

…to cite just two.

Are these good, evidence-based articles? Obviously no. The NIH article for example claims “It is the first time in history that two mRNA-based vaccines developed using lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) have been given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the US FDA for clinical therapeutics against the COVID-19. This undermines the skepticism on the potential of nanotechnology based approaches.” which is such an absurd non-sequitur it almost beggars belief that such a statement would be made in all seriousness in anything remotely connected to science. We are living in strange times however, and the idea that a completely infiltrated and compromised regulatory body such as the FDA approving mRNA vaccines would undermine any scepticism regarding the validity, safety, efficacy or even the need for cramming nanotechnology into the human body in the most invasive way possible is not only completely stupid, but also entirely expected. It is the current year after all.

So regardless of the actual scientific quality of these and the many, many other articles, studies and papers that literally shout from the rooftops about these “nanotechnology based” mRNA injectable products, the kinds of outlets and credentialed Experts that Science™ Disciples take as (pun entirely intended) Gospel are the ones who confirm in no uncertain terms that mRNA injections are indeed nanotechnology.

This puts the Science™ Disciples in yet another difficult position, where they want to hand-wave articles like the IJVTPR one above away with claims like “oh it’s just lab contamination”, “it’s just fluff and hairs, there’s no nanotechnology in them” and similar giga-coping drivel, while having to also hand-wave the (and this is the most charitable of all possible explanations) the well-established fact that the vendors of the mRNA products themselves, plus much of the Science™ Industry and media celebrate this pioneering use of nanotechnology.

It is clear that the issue with openly admitting the mRNA injections are nanotechnology is that there was a fairly desperate need to convince the public that these were normal vaccines, just like the ones we know and love, so there was no need to be scared of them. A complete lie in every sense, but nonetheless that was the idea being pushed. At the same time though, there was a desperate need to get this new technology “validated” by deploying it and convincing people that despite causing millions of people serious health issues and deaths, that it saved them, so that it could then be used for everything. It is a testament to the power of propaganda when used at scale from birth that for the most part this was successful.

Science™ Disciples then, are used to these kinds of contradictory views needing to be promoted simultaneously. It’s been happening for a long time, more noticeably since March 2020 when they cheered on lockdowns and the systematic isolation and murder of the elderly in “care” homes as a way to “flatten the curve”, where despite all the pre-existing data that proved that was going to be a catastrophe it happened anyway. They did it with masks, cheering on the restriction of people’s airways when it was obvious and already proven masks didn’t help anything but did make people sicker and would traumatise a generation of children. They cheered on the use of ventilators for people who it was almost guaranteed to kill, not help because ventilators were never previously used as general treatments for mild respiratory illness. They did (and do) it with COVID “tests” that are provably worse than useless for their stated purpose.

Obviously the entire “vaccine” debacle has seen contradicting views held at the same time all the way through, be it the logically absurd “It would have been worse if I’d not had it” line, the “You should have it to protect others” line despite most people who did have it also think they got COVID after having the jabs and the admission now that transmission prevention was not even a goal, the “COVID vaccines have saved millions of lives” line based on fantasy outputs of ridiculous computer models, or the “There’s no evidence that the vaccines are causing X” where X is any of the following…

  • Excess mortality despite it being higher now across all age groups in every highly “vaccinated” country than at the “peak” of the so-called “pandemic”.
  • Increases in autoimmune diseases despite the well established mechanism that mRNA uses meets the general definition of what an autoimmune disease is, i.e. your body attacking parts of itself, as the mRNA instructs your own cells to be the source of a pathogen.
  • Increases in cancer, particularly aggressive types despite it now being well established that the injectable products were laden with fragments of DNA, and the effect the injected contents have on various natural processes that correct errors with DNA replication.
  • Increases in strokes and heart issues, despite it being well established that these issues now occurring in never before seen numbers in what were otherwise perfectly healthy people, world-class athletes even, with absolutely no other provably attributable cause.
  • Increases in dementia and prion diseases, again with no other provably attributable cause but the well established fact that the lipid nanoparticles the mRNA are wrapped in can pass through the blood brain barrier and the admitted fact that “junk” proteins can be and are generated via the mRNA.

The list could go on but I am sure you get the idea. Science™ Disciples are now very accustomed to, it could even be said adept at, cognitive dissonance. One can imagine that if you are managing to hold all of those contradictory things in your head and believe them all at the same time, believing mRNA is nanotechnology and simultaneously not nanotechnology would be a breeze.

Now we’re at the point where many people have meekly accepted that some/most/all of it was lies even if they don’t want to say it out loud, depending on how entrenched they are or how desperately they don’t want their “Conspiracy Theorist” (ex)friends to have been right, the Techno Overlords have another treat in store for anyone still credulous enough to allow the State and it’s private partners in crime to inject them with more “cures”.

Self-Amplifying mRNA

A paper was published back in 2014 (archive) titled “Self-Amplifying Replicon RNA Vaccine Delivery to Dendritic Cells by Synthetic Nanoparticles”. According to Wikipedia…

A dendritic cell (DC) is an antigen-presenting cell (also known as an accessory cell) of the mammalian immune system. A DC’s main function is to process antigen material and present it on the cell surface to the T cells of the immune system. They act as messengers between the innate and adaptive immune systems.


It would appear that even now in 2024 there are a lot of unknowns regarding dendritic cells, let alone the “mammalian immune system” which is no surprise at all. There are plenty of “citation needed” remarks in that Wiki article for example, along with the statement:

The exact genesis and development of the different types and subsets of dendritic cells and their interrelationship is only marginally understood at the moment, as dendritic cells are so rare and difficult to isolate that only in recent years they have become subject of focused research.

It is not clear what precisely is meant by “recent years”, but what is clear is that there have been no major advances on the marginal understanding of dendritic cells. Fear not though intrepid reader, never let ignorance be a reason for caution as Science™ will supply the requisite arrogance and carelessness to plough ahead regardless. It is in that spirit, the total opposite to the regularly parroted “abundance of caution” that saw people locked away in “care” homes and quarantine camps, that the authors of the above paper advocate for the targeting of dendritic cells as “important targets for vaccine delivery, particularly RNA vaccines”.

The authors explain…

The DCs therefore offer valuable targets for RNA vaccine delivery, being so central to promoting immune response development. Accordingly, this review will discuss how recent advances in RNA and biocompatible delivery vehicle technologies are advancing RNA vaccine development. The main aims focus on nanoparticle structures enhancing DC interaction, the consideration of cellular endocytic pathways for determining the outcome of vaccine delivery, and the application of self-amplifying replicon RNA (RepRNA) vaccines. As with mRNA vaccines, RepRNA vaccines require appropriate cytosolic delivery and transfer to the site of translation.

Noteworthy is the complete absence in that text of anything related to safety or efficacy. The “site of translation” would be inside your cells, and the “self-amplifying” aspect is the next step in medical lunacy. One of the statements on the Wikipedia article on dendritic cells we looked at earlier that does have multiple citations states:

“Altered function of dendritic cells is also known to play a major or even key role in allergy and autoimmune diseases”

Gee what a surprise. Interfering with the human immune system at the cellular level causes immune system problems including autoimmune diseases. We already know that mRNA fulfils the essential criteria for the functions of an autoimmune disease, as the well established definition of autoimmune disease is “a condition that results from an anomalous response of the adaptive immune system, wherein it mistakenly targets and attacks healthy, functioning parts of the body as if they were foreign organisms”. That this fact has apparently escaped the attention of most medical doctors, applying the most generous interpretation of events, is something of a mystery. The mystery of course begins to unravel when you realise that doctors earn extra money for every “vaccine” they give.

Speaking of earning, the authors of the 2014 paper are listed as Kenneth C. McCullough, Panagiota Milona, Lisa Thomann-Harwood, Thomas Démoulins, Pavlos Englezou, Rolf Suter and Nicolas Ruggli. In the “Conflicts of Interest” statement it says…

Application of nanoparticulate delivery vehicles for the delivery of vaccines employing the replicons derived from classical swine fever virus, as referred to in reference 33, has patent files in Europe, USA, Canada, and Japan, with priority date of 2008. The filing was by the authors Kenneth McCullough and Nicolas Ruggli, together with Jon Duri Tratschin, and assigned to their employer, the Institute of Virology and Immunology (formerly Institute of Virology and Immunoprophylaxis). This does not alter the authors’ adherence to the policies of sharing data and materials.

So two of the authors filed a patent which was assigned to their employer for “nanoparticulate delivery vehicles for the delivery of vaccines employing the replicons derived from classical swine fever virus”. At least it was declared, but in most areas of life and business a conflict of interest that direct, i.e. the paper you author reports favourably on something you and your employer own the patent to would be considered marketing material, not scientific research, or you’d simply be asked to recuse yourself all together.

We are fortunate to have scientists working on nanotechnology to directly interact with the human immune system, the thing that keeps us alive and well, with such precision as demonstrated by the following graphic from their paper…

We are eternally grateful to the esteemed authors for a diagram of this “constuct”. Their attention to detail and precision is much appreciated.

Have things progressed with the idea of self-amplifying replicons, or was this just some pie-in-the-sky delusions from self-congratulating echo-chamber dwellers pretending to do science? Well it turns out both are true, although in this case the use of the word “progressed” might be questionable.

The nature.com website published an article (archive) in October 2020 titled “Self-amplifying RNA vaccines for infectious diseases”. Already at this point in time we see the celebrations of the fantasy successes of what are, just months after the first ever deployment of mRNA injections for humans, here termed “conventional” mRNA. The reason for that is the pathway for all this has been well prepared, planned and executed, and so mere “conventional mRNA” is already old-hat by October 2020. To understand how long this has been in the “pipeline”, check out the article on the plan to push mRNA, and the “single version of the truth” article that evidences all the machinery put in place ready for the COVID Event.

The nature.com article is crammed full of citations containing declarations of the success of vaccination, for example…

Vaccinations have reduced disease, disability, and death from a variety of infectious diseases. For example, in the United States, children are recommended to be vaccinated against 16 diseases.


…referencing a table that lists Smallpox, Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, Polio (paralytic), Rubella, Congenital rubella syndrome, Tetanus and Haemophilus influenzae with the 20th century annual deaths for each and the number of deaths of each in 2016 with a percentage decrease of each.

Suddenly the “correlation does not equal causation” argument used to dismiss the huge uptick in all-cause mortality after the mRNA injections were foisted on a traumatised population goes out of the window, despite there being no other possible cause attributable to the current tragedy, whereas clean water, sanitation and better food is the obvious alternative explanation for the “miracle” that vaccines are falsely credited with.

The “Self-amplifying RNA vaccines…” article contains the ever-present sales-pitch for more new, quicker to produce vaccines, seemingly oblivious to the irony that vaccine fever is the real problem, and only seems to be getting worse despite the world having the most vaccines ever being injected into more people than ever. It’s amazing how distracting from the obvious billions of dollars can be.

The story continues as in June 2023 an article titled “Rise of the RNA machines – self-amplification in mRNA vaccine design”, something James Cameron would have been proud of, was published.

This one starts off stupidly and then declines from there on in. The opening statement is just something to behold…

mRNA vaccines have won the race for early COVID-19 vaccine approval, yet improvements are necessary to retain this leading role in combating infectious diseases.


That’s like declaring Kenyan runners won a long distance race, in Kenya, where only Kenyan participants were allowed to enter. Or that a horse won the Grand National.

Here we have another explanation of how sa-mRNA works…

Whereas mRNA vaccines encode a protein of interest, replicons have been engineered as a molecular chassis encoding the gene of interest (GOI; transgene) and all essential elements allowing self-amplification of the replicon RNA. The rapid amplification of replicon RNA in target cells increases the expression of the protein of interest (e.g., a viral (glyco)protein) and induces a protective immune response at a markedly lower initial RNA dose than conventional mRNA vaccines.

What we’re having described to us is a two-step system, where instead of injecting billions of mRNA instruction sets wrapped in lipid nanoparticles, each of which then goes into a cell and allegedly produces the “gene of interest”, they inject this “replicon” RNA, which then produces the mRNA which then produces the “gene of interest”.

Don’t take my word for it. The science.org website has an article that explains it…

A self-amplifying mRNA shot, as the name implies, contains the equipment needed to make more of itself once it enters cells. You do this by not only injecting the mRNA for the antigen of interest (such as one that encodes the coronavirus spike protein) but also mRNAs that get translated into replicase proteins that will in turn produce more of the mRNA species. Picture sending someone a sheet of paper with some important information on it, and then imagine that you’ve sent them a whole pile of copies of that sheet so they can distribute them. Now imagine sending them a bunch of sheets of material that can assemble themselves into a working photocopier and crank out more sheets when they do. That sounds weird and ridiculous, but hey, that’s biology for you. It’s very, very strange down there in the cell.


It does sound ridiculous, but the idea that this is just “biology” is at best disingenuous. That anyone with a modicum of medical and/or biological knowledge thinks this genetic meddling with people’s immune systems is anything other than a terrible idea born from the hubris of self-congratulating cargo-cult Science practitioners and eugenicists determined to reduce the world’s population is either stupid or a liar.

It’s all fine though because we’ll have robust, open and transparent long-term safety trials to make sure there are no serious risks should these get approved and people will be able to make a completely free, fully informed choice on whether to take them… er wait.


Japan has authorised sa-mRNA injections (PDF). Interesting to note that the articles we looked at all raved about how much less of a dose would be required with these amazing “self-amplifying” vaccines, and yet the world’s first approved self-amplifying “vaccine” still requires 2 doses plus “boosters”. Imagine my surprise. The claim there is also that this Kostaive™ injection “is indicated for prevention of COVID-19″. A bold claim, one we’ve heard before that turned out to not just be a lie, but now there’s the lie that they never said that.

So no long-term trials, and this one has already been “updated”. Unsurprisingly reported on the finance section of Yahoo which tells you everything you need to know about this, they explain…

In May 2024, a Japanese health ministry panel recommended that COVID-19 vaccines be updated to target the JN.1 lineage of Omicron subvariants for the 2024/2025 national immunization program. This aligns with recent recommendations from the World Health Organization.

This is where we are now. There are no proper tests or trials. Granted previously the trials were all faked anyway, but there isn’t even any pretence any more. With the WHO involved we all know who’s pulling the strings. Speaking of which, we’ll finish off with a word from everyone’s sponsor, explaining the troubles the world is facing and what we need to do about it…