Charlie and the Favours Factory
31 July 2022
There is much to be said about the British Royal Family, almost none of it good unless you’re one of those people who thinks it’s fine to live a lavish lifestyle at other people’s expense, and having those obscenely rich Royals regularly and hypocritically lecture the public on what they need to give up is reasonable.
Usually the defence of the Royal Family comes in the form of the Tourism Argument™. Obviously that argument is absurd, as there are many countries with no Monarchy that do fine as far as tourism is concerned, plus there are no tourists outside the so-called elite, private jet flying globalist class that ever meet the Royal Family when they come to the UK anyway.
But this short article is not about the legitimacy of the Royal Family. It is about Charles, the “future King”, and his apparent willingness to take bags of cash from just about anyone.
If the average member of the public tries to deposit any substantial amount of cash into a bank, they will be questioned as to where it came from. If you try and withdraw any substantial amount of cash you will be asked what its for, sometimes expected to provide all kinds of details on what you want to spend your own money on. If you take more than a few thousand pounds in cash and try to spend it on a single purchase, you will be refused.
Unsurprisingly it seems like a different set of rules applies to the likes of “future King” Charles. On the 25th June 2022 the Sunday Times published an article titled “Prince Charles accepted €1m cash in suitcase from sheikh”. The article says…
The Prince of Wales accepted a suitcase containing €1 million in cash from a controversial Qatari politician, The Sunday Times can reveal.
It was one of three lots of cash, totalling €3 million, which Prince Charles personally received from Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, the former prime minister of Qatar who is nicknamed “HBJ”, between 2011 and 2015.
On one occasion, Sheikh Hamad, 62, presented the prince with €1 million, which was reportedly stuffed into carrier bags from Fortnum & Mason, the luxury department store that has a royal charter to provide the prince’s groceries and tea.
On another, Charles, 73, accepted a holdall containing €1 million during a private one-on-one meeting at Clarence House in 2015.
If that sounds shadier than Eminem’s discography, then you’re obviously a paranoid, Britain hating anti-Royalist who wants the world to burn, and to prove it the article assures us that…
Palace aides then asked Coutts to collect the cash. The private bank, which is headquartered in the Strand in central London, and has served the royal family for centuries, is understood to have retrieved the suitcase from Charles’s London residence.
Each payment was deposited into the accounts of the Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund (PWCF), a low-profile grant-making entity which bankrolls the prince’s pet projects and his country estate in Scotland. There is no suggestion the payments were illegal.
Yeah it’s all fine guys, don’t worry, the Royal Family’s private bank took care of it, and it just went to fund Charles’ “pet projects” and his country estate in Scotland. Nothing to see here.
That’s just a one-off though right? Well, three-off but who’s counting? Surely accepting bags of cash from dubious characters is not a regular thing? Well…
Yesterday, the 30th July 2022 the Times published an article titled “Prince Charles accepted £1m from family of Osama bin Laden”. Now, for the record, it is highly unlikely the mainstream narrative about Osama bin Laden is true, specifically the part about him orchestrating two planes to knock down three buildings and another to fly into the accounts department of the Pentagon, from inside caves in Afghanistan, all the while evading and taunting the greatest military intelligence force in history with videos where he got increasingly younger, right up until they did capture him and then dumped his dead body in the sea where no-one could ever find it. That is all obviously patent nonsense. But that does not mean the bin Laden family were just a regular bunch of peaceniks that sat around campfires singing John Lennon’s Imagine. And as this is a mainstream publication, they will support the mainstream narrative on bin Laden. For the avoidance of doubt, the article states…
The Prince of Wales accepted a £1 million payment from the family of Osama bin Laden, The Sunday Times can reveal.
Prince Charles personally secured the money from Bakr bin Laden, the patriarch of the wealthy Saudi family, and his brother Shafiq. Both men are half-brothers of Osama bin Laden, the founder of al-Qaeda who masterminded the September 11 attacks.
The article goes on to detail numerous other financial exchanges, including organising a CBE in exchange for “donations”, conducted by Charles and his aides. The Prince of Wales Charitable Foundation (PWCF) representatives repeatedly defend these things, with phrases like…
“It is disappointing that over 40 years of our charitable grants, totalling over £70 million to various good causes, should be overshadowed by unfounded suggestions of improper management.”
The PWCF disappointed that their behaviour cannot be excused with claims about “good causes”.
Hmm, “improper management” is not exactly what I’d think any rational person would be suggesting this was. It turns out that Sir Ian Cheshire, chairman of PWCF, claimed that the bin Laden “donation” was agreed “wholly” by the five trustees at the time. According to the Times article those five trustees were Dame Amelia Fawcett, a financier who chairs Kew Gardens; Sir Michael Rake, the former chairman of BT; John Varley, the former Barclays chief executive; Kenneth Wilson, an academic; and William Nye, then Charles’s principal private secretary.
Cheshire is then quoted as saying…
“The donation from Sheik Bakr Bin Laden in 2013 was carefully considered by PWCF Trustees at the time. Due diligence was conducted, with information sought from a wide range of sources, including government. The decision to accept the donation was taken wholly by the Trustees. Any attempt to suggest otherwise is misleading and inaccurate.”
Sir Ian Cheshire – Disingenuous defence of opaque financial practices.
Charles and his well-connected group of “trustees”, who we can fairly safely conclude can only be trusted to defend and promote the interests of themselves and their allies, want you to believe that taking bags stuffed with a million in cash, something we’d be investigated for, and automatically assumed to be guilty of some crime or other, is all fine, just because that tiny group of financially conflicted people say so.
There is talk of investigations etc. in those Times articles, but we know they will either not happen, or will be managed to arrive at the correct outcome, which after more public money spent and wasted, will be that it’s all fine because very rich and well-connected people said so.

Like so many public figures, Charles will take money from literally anyone, and then say and do whatever he has been paid to say and do. This is not speculation at this point, as there is plenty of evidence, and admission, just we’re expected to believe this is totally fine and how dare we even question it.
Ultimately people will believe what they want to believe. Charles and Co, just like all the Government types, billionaires and globalists that profit (be that financial or otherwise) from conflicts of interest that would rightly not be tolerated in everyday life, will continue to steal our money, our time and our lives if we choose to let them.