We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


Here you’ll find information about the big pharmaceutical corporations, how they’re linked to other agendas and what part they play.

Trusting The Science

Corruption, Government, Pharma

Accepting the new COVID-19 injections, be that the AstraZeneca “adenovirus vector” version, or any of the mRNA versions that are being pushed by various outlets, was an act of faith. People were repeatedly exhorted in quasi-religious sermons by politicians acting as modern-day priests standing at lecterns to “Trust the Science”. The religious symbolism and motifs […]

New Report: mRNA “Vaccine” Causes Encephalitis and Myocarditis

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

An early access version of a peer-reviewed case report originating from the Institute of Pathology in Dresden in Germany titled “A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19” was published on the 1st October 2022 (PDF mirror).Obviously I recommend you check out the full paper for yourself, but we’ll […]

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Risk?

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

Forget the original sales pitch which was to have your COVID-19 injectable products, shut up and you’ll never get COVID-19, won’t die from it and won’t pass it on. We’re way past that, so please pretend ‘they’ never said any of those things. We’ve also moved past the stage of it will at least stop […]

Tackling “Vaccine Hesitancy”…

Corruption, COVID-19, Government, Pharma

That term, “vaccine hesitancy” is the recently popularised description of a state affecting people who are (in the minds of those using the phrase) not taking up the Government’s sales pitch for pharmaceutical interests, but could potentially be “encouraged” to take them, via “behaviour change models” and their application to said hesitant people. This is […]

Following The Road To Gilead

Government, Health, Pharma

Gilead for those that don’t already know, was a place in ancient Palestine, corresponding to the area of north-western Jordan, which was the scene for a Biblical battle between Gideon and the Midianites the account of which describes Gideon and a small army of 300 specially selected soldiers defeating the Midianites using shock and confusion […]

Prescient Preparedness Plans

Eugenics, Health, Pharma

When will humanity learn? We should always listen to billionaire eugenicists and their respective “foundations” and “non-profit” organisations when they make such incredible predictions that just by pure coincidence happen to align precisely with their global initiatives and the solutions they had all geared up to use but were lacking the appropriate problem to solve.They’ve […]

The Hepatitis Coincidence, and the “Science” of Virology

Government, Health, Pharma

The World Health Organisation (WHO) announced on the 15th April 2022 in a “Disease Outbreak News Item” titled “Acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” that…On 5 April 2022, WHO was notified of 10 cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children under the age […]

MHRA – Not Fit For Purpose

Corruption, Government, Pharma

The UK Government Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the regulatory body that is supposed to assess drugs for their safety and effectiveness before they are marketed and inflicted on the general public. We have shown previously how the MHRA is funded which means they cannot possibly be objective and free from conflicts […]

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines – Are They Bio-Weapons?

COVID-19, Pharma

Big question. It should be noted that it is a separate question from “are they deliberately created bio-weapons?”. Intent can be difficult to prove in a court of law, and I am not attempting to prove intent here but I will provide some potential indicators. We can all make up our own minds based on […]

Patent Corruption: SARS-CoV 1 and 2

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

The alleged purpose of patents is to give its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a limited period of time in exchange for publishing an enabling disclosure of the invention, according to Wikipedia.The idea is that by inventing something you are bringing something of benefit, either physical or intellectual to […]

More Efficacy Evidence For m(ODE)RNA Jabs

COVID-19, Pharma

Dated November 4th 2021 is an article published on the New England Journal of Medicine website titled “Efficacy of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine at Completion of Blinded Phase”. The mRNA-1273 referenced is Moderna’s COVID-19 medical product offering. I say offering, as if most people felt like they had a choice to accept the offer. Let’s […]

A Present For Albert

COVID-19, Pharma

Another total non-surprise…Albert Bourla of Pfizer is the CNN Business CEO of the YearIn a year of crippling uncertainty for small and medium sized businesses, the amazing business skills of Albert Bourla have enabled Pfizer to navigate the perilous path of… sorry I can’t keep that up any longer.CNN announced on the 25th December that […]

Pfizer/BioNTech Injections For 5-11s in UK

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

In a turn of events that should surprise no-one, Pfizer have secured approval for their mRNA injections for UK children aged 5-11. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) released a press statement on the 22nd December 2021 that announces it on the Government website.June Raine, the MHRA Chief Executive is quoted in the […]

Pfizer… And The Money Keeps Rolling In

COVID-19, Pharma

In a completely unsurprising turn of events, the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla has declared that “a fourth jab may be needed a year after a third injection”, but that “the emergence of Omicron may mean people require a total of four injections faster”.On the 9th December 2021 the Daily Mail published an article titled […]

Molnupiravir, Just In Time For Omicron/Xmas

COVID-19, Pharma

Sky News reported on the 5th December 2021 that a new “game changing” drug the UK NHS is about to roll out called Molnupiravir. The hyperventilating headline screeches “COVID-19: NHS planning to roll out ‘game-changing’ coronavirus pill – and it could happen ‘before Christmas'” and with almost child-like excitement the article states:Health Secretary Sajid Javid […]

Whistleblowers Report on Problems with Pfizer Trials

COVID-19, Pharma

A peer-reviewed (for those that care about such things) article on the British Medical Journal website (PDF mirror) published on the 2nd November titled “Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial” has revealed some shocking yet unsurprising failures during the Pfizer trials for their so-called COVID-19 “vaccinations” that will […]

Pfizer adding Tromethamine to Injections for 5-11 year olds

COVID-19, Pharma

Pfizer are continuing their march through the population, injecting younger and younger groups as was expected by anyone who understands how predatory, merciless corporate vultures like Big Pharma work.There was a committee meeting and a document was produced and published on the FDA website dated 26th October 2021 titled “FDA Briefing Document – EUA amendment […]

BBC Booster Propaganda

COVID-19, Government, Pharma

As we now watch the media and Government grapple with the dual task of convincing the “unvaccinated” to have the COVID injections because they’re so effective, and simultaneously convince the already double-jabbed to have a booster (the first of many we can safely assume) because their jabs now don’t work after mere months, the BBC […]

AstraZeneca Cures Death

COVID-19, Pharma, Propaganda

Doing the rounds today the 11th October 2021 is the big news that AstraZeneca have solved a problem that has troubled humanity for quite some time, that being death.Reported by pretty much every media outlet going, and in almost word for word breathless excitement is the “New antibody treatment that ‘both prevents and treats COVID-19′” […]

Pfizer and Myocarditis

COVID-19, Pharma

In an article published here back in August 2021 titled “Barclays Global Healthcare Conference” we saw parts of a high-level discussion between two top Pfizer executives and a Senior Biopharma Analyst at Barclays Bank. The conversation revolved around being able to hike prices of “The Vaccine” at some point in the future, the “durability of […]

Mass Vaccinator Jobs

COVID-19, Government, Pharma

So the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) states that their “Current Advice” on COVID-19 “vaccinations” according to the latest statement from them published on the 4th August 2021 advises “COVID-19 vaccination of all adults aged 18 years and over in the UK, and vaccination of some specific groups under the age of 18 […]

MHRA Funding FOI Request

Climate, COVID-19, Globalism, Government, Pharma

A Freedom of Information Request was submitted to the MHRA. which is the Medicines & Healthcare Regulatory Agency, the UK Government department that is responsible for approving (or rarely, not approving) all medicines and related products for use in the UK.This FOI request was asking about how the MHRA is funded, and was responded to […]

Ivermectin Smear Campaign

COVID-19, Pharma, Propaganda

If you’re to believe the huge number of blue-checkmarks parading themselves and their media outlets on Twitter regarding Joe Rogan (the $100,000,000 Spotify podcast guy) and his video posted to social media that he had COVID-19, you’d think he’d been taking a horse dewormer, or cow dewormer. A dewormer for animals anyway, which “the FDA […]