We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


Here you’ll find articles and information relating to things, events and people, current and historical that are affecting us all now and possibly shaping our futures.

H.R.6666 – TRACE

Banking, COVID-19, Globalism

Our friends in the United States have such a caring Government. Way back on the 1st May 2020 a new Bill was introduced (PDF mirror) to the U.S. Congress, the main title of which is:H.R.6666 – COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) ActObviously we can ignore the 6666 bit which is just a coincidence. […]

Asymptomatic = Not Sick

COVID-19, Propaganda

So if you believe the “act like you have it” nonsense where the Holy Science claims that perfectly healthy people are walking virus factories that need to be muzzled, kept at home and tested as often as possible to see if they have an illness they don’t know they have, you might also believe that […]

Pro-Lockdown Nonsense


As we make our way along the Government’s allegedly “irreversible roadmap out of lockdown”, we are seeing more and more pro-lockdown propaganda despite Dr David Nabarro, the WHO’s special envoy on COVID-19 stating back in October 2020 “Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an […]

Modelling Insanity

COVID-19, Propaganda

The UK Government’s “independent” Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies AKA SAGE have proved their “independent” status, but only in that they are clearly operating independently from reality and basic maths. They are still bought and paid for State mouthpieces that are almost all taking money from the Big Players in the fake “Pandemic” and other […]

Utopia, yes again.

Climate, COVID-19, Eugenics, Globalism, Propaganda

On the 25th September 2020 a remake of a UK television series from 2013 called Utopia was released. Amazon is listed as the main production company and it is distributed by Amazon so we can safely assume they had some significant input into the show. The description of the new series on IMDB which is […]

Big Brother Keeps You Safe

COVID-19, Propaganda

In the book 1984 by George Orwell, there are “telescreens” everywhere. Those telescreens have an image of “Big Brother” on them at any time they are not otherwise in use. Big Brother is meant to represent the State, in this case IngSoc the totalitarian Government of Oceania. The telescreens are two way, meaning they can […]

Pfizer Monitoring “Occupational Exposure” AKA Shedding

COVID-19, Pharma

In a document on Pfizer’s website (mirror) snappily titled “A PHASE 1/2/3, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED, RANDOMIZED, OBSERVER-BLIND, DOSE-FINDING STUDY TO EVALUATE THE SAFETY, TOLERABILITY, IMMUNOGENICITY, AND EFFICACY OF SARS-COV-2 RNA VACCINE CANDIDATES AGAINST COVID-19 IN HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS”, a title that should immediately tell you how much fun this document is to read, weighing in at a mere […]

A Sudden Change of Heart…

COVID-19, Propaganda

Today in an article entitled “Current definition of Covid deaths could distort vaccine success data, scientists warn”, we are treated to one of the most stunning displays of politically motivated statistical chicanery seen so far during this fictional pandemic.For more than 12 months, anyone with a functioning brain has been pointing out the ridiculousness of […]

More COVID nonsense

Banking, COVID-19, Pharma

An article on the Wales Online website entitled “Wales to take part in UK trial for plant-derived Covid-19 vaccine” explains how a new clinical trial exploring the effectiveness of a “plant-derived coronavirus vaccine” is to go ahead. It details how the “large scale” study involving just 1,500 people (so not large then) “across the UK” […]

World class “trolling” by YouTube

Propaganda, Tech

After years of censorship, and the last 12 months of that censorship being at a level unparalleled in its scope and Authoritarian nature, the CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, has been awarded the “Free Expression Award” by a group focused on promoting the US First Amendment right to freedom of speech.If that sounds bizarrely hypocritical […]

JVCI “advice”…

COVID-19, Pharma

So the JVCI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation) has issued new advice on pregnant women having the COVID-19 “vaccine”. Despite the “Yellow Card” system reporting over 40 spontaneous abortions and foetal deaths, and the Government’s own advice being…PregnancyThere are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2. Animal […]

Natural immunity really is a thing

COVID-19, Globalism, Pharma

Contrary to what the likes of Bill Gates, pharmaceutical companies, mainstream media, Governments and global organisations spawned from the UN would like you to believe, there is such a thing as natural immunity in the human body.The standard party line these days is that you need vaccines to be immune to anything and everything, and […]

Build Back Better

Climate, COVID-19

If it feels like there’s been an increase in the use of this phrase by politicians and other organisations that ostensibly promote touchy-feely “we’re all in this together” and “let’s make everything fair and equitable” ideas, then you’re not imagining it.It sounds like a wonderful idea. The world has been decimated by a “deadly pandemic” […]

Beware COVID Ice Cream

COVID-19, Propaganda

On Sunday January 17th 2021 Sky News posted this “World” news item on their website titled “COVID-19: Ice cream tests positive for coronavirus in China”.Fortunately the “anti-epedemic authorities” in China are tracing people who may have been in contact with the batches, which have been sealed and contained after the samples that were sent to […]

Spend Spend Spend!

Banking, Globalism

According to an article published online by Reuters (copy) titled “‘Spend as much as you can,’ IMF head urges governments worldwide” on the 15th January 2021 the IMF (International Monetary Fund), run by Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva is quoted as saying:“In terms of policies for right now, very unusual for the IMF, starting in March […]

Statistics regarding COVID-19 infections


So if you believe the mainstream media, BBC and Government propagandists you’ll likely think that there are hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 cases, hospitals are swamped by thousands of extra terribly ill people and this is all a good reason to lockdown millions of otherwise healthy people.Today for example the BBC went with this not-at-all […]

COVID-19 Certification


Despite the characteristically vague non-answers from politicians about whether the UK Government will be introducing some kind of “health passport” for those who have been vaccinated, allegedly against COVID-19, or tested negative for COVID-19, it appears they are most definitely going ahead with it.Here is a link to the page on the Government website entitled […]

WHO is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus?


A good question. The BBC wrote an interesting article about him in May 2020 with a few interesting, if understated details.Along with the usual BBC apologist drivel for things like Ghebreyesus proposing Robert Mugabe of all people as a “WHO goodwill ambassador”, passed off as a mistake because “his political skills may not be quite […]

New Super-Strain?


So as the UK Government goes ever further into collective psychosis and the media ramps up fearmongering beyond anything you may have thought possible, all based on the sudden and seemingly unexpected arrival of a new “strain” of the “novel coronavirus” with a new tier 4 resplendent with shiny new restrictions (i.e. many of the […]

BioNTech and Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19 gets UK Government approval


Yes, just in time for Xmas it’s here. The UK Government is proud to present to you, The Vaccine.Yes it has been rushed, even Dr Fauci said that although later in a not very unexpected turn-around said he was very sorry; and yes, it is experimental and using technology that has never before been approved […]

UK Government and the Fourth Industrial Revolution


What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Is it a “conspiracy theory”? Is is some benign abstract theory about scientific progress? Is it a wonderful gift to humanity by saintly white-coated lab workers? It is none of those.It is another brainchild of Klaus Schwab, top utopian visionary and founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum). The […]

UK MHRA Contract awarded to Genpact (UK) Ltd


A contract that has been awarded to a company called Genpact by the UK Government’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to the tune of £1,500,000 listed here (screenshot) on the Ted (Tenders Electronic Daily) website. This site is the European public procurement journal for EU institutions to recruit services and products from favoured corporate […]

Ipsos iris – Bribing the Public to Install Spyware


Ipsos MORI, longtime UK Government collaborator on “Market Research” matters, including pseudo-random households getting letters inviting them to COVID-19 studies on behalf of the Government to get tested, have a new scheme going.It is called Ipsos iris (and I’m sure the eye reference is just a complete coincidence) and they are emailing (copy) the public […]

UK Government – Ways to Increase Adherence to Social Distancing – March 2020


Back in March 2020 the following document (mirror) on the Government website under the “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Research and Analysis” section was published. Prepared by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (or SAGE, as they do love their contrived acronyms) and titled “Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures”, it sets out a list of […]