We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


Here you’ll find articles and information relating to things, events and people, current and historical that are affecting us all now and possibly shaping our futures.

UK Schools Bill

Government, Propaganda

The UK Government is currently trying to push a new Bill through the House of Lords and then Parliament to fundamentally change education. You can find the main documentation for this on the Government’s website, and here are some archived copies (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) of the documents detailing the amendments and the purported reasons […]

Bill Gates and the Amazing Self-Congratulatory Models

COVID-19, Propaganda

“COVID-19 jab saved 20 million lives in its first year, study suggests” screeches the Sky News headline on the 24th June 2022. As the title ends with one of the signature ‘please switch off your brain, just read and believe’ motifs, i.e. “study suggests”, one hardly needs to read further. In fact it is a […]

Pending Casedemic 2.0

Corruption, COVID-19, Government

The UK Government has an “open opportunity” on their Contracts Finder website.Let’s set aside for the moment that the word “diagnostic” and the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process are mutually exclusive, the UK Government has a contract worth £2,000,000,000 open for a supplier.As the website explains, there is some kind of issue that means it […]

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Risk?

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

Forget the original sales pitch which was to have your COVID-19 injectable products, shut up and you’ll never get COVID-19, won’t die from it and won’t pass it on. We’re way past that, so please pretend ‘they’ never said any of those things. We’ve also moved past the stage of it will at least stop […]

Tackling “Vaccine Hesitancy”…

Corruption, COVID-19, Government, Pharma

That term, “vaccine hesitancy” is the recently popularised description of a state affecting people who are (in the minds of those using the phrase) not taking up the Government’s sales pitch for pharmaceutical interests, but could potentially be “encouraged” to take them, via “behaviour change models” and their application to said hesitant people. This is […]

How Much?!?

COVID-19, Government

According to the UK National Audit Office, as of September 2021 the UK Government has spent £370,000,000,000 (three hundred and seventy billion pounds) on their ludicrous, unscientific response to “COVID-19”.Now we hear these massive numbers thrown about by politicians and big corporations so much that they have become almost meaningless. Numbers in the billions and […]

WEF Davos and Bilderberg 2022


The World Economic Forum (WEF) just finished their annual meetup at Davos in Switzerland. We have discussed the WEF before, but not in very much detail. In a future article we will look at it a bit more closely, but for now we’ll just talk a bit about their recent meetup. As you will see, […]

Following The Road To Gilead

Government, Health, Pharma

Gilead for those that don’t already know, was a place in ancient Palestine, corresponding to the area of north-western Jordan, which was the scene for a Biblical battle between Gideon and the Midianites the account of which describes Gideon and a small army of 300 specially selected soldiers defeating the Midianites using shock and confusion […]

Monkeypox, Shingles and Bill Gates

COVID-19, Government, Health

Already during the short time the latest predicted/planned “outbreak” of what we’re told is “Monkeypox” has been at play, the media have wasted no time in publishing articles that contain conflicting information to further confuse and traumatise an already abused general public. The articles usually contain horrific imagery and are phrased to make it unclear […]

Prescient Preparedness Plans

Eugenics, Health, Pharma

When will humanity learn? We should always listen to billionaire eugenicists and their respective “foundations” and “non-profit” organisations when they make such incredible predictions that just by pure coincidence happen to align precisely with their global initiatives and the solutions they had all geared up to use but were lacking the appropriate problem to solve.They’ve […]

The Ukraine Show Continues

Corruption, Globalism, War

Considering this is supposed to be the hottest war in the world, and as far as the media and politics is concerned, the only hot war in the world, tourism for high ranking politicians from all four corners of the earth appears to be focused on Kyiv/Kiev as they flock to the capital of Ukraine […]

The Hepatitis Coincidence, and the “Science” of Virology

Government, Health, Pharma

The World Health Organisation (WHO) announced on the 15th April 2022 in a “Disease Outbreak News Item” titled “Acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” that…On 5 April 2022, WHO was notified of 10 cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children under the age […]

The Russia vs Ukraine Thing – Part 2

Banking, Government, Tech, War

Continuing our look at some of the less well-reported aspects of the Russia vs Ukraine conflict and motivations.As the Ukrainian celebrity president Volodymyr Zelenskyy continues his virtual world tour of Parliaments to rapturous applause and standing ovations as you can see described in this bizarre publication on Yahoo News where the headline is almost as […]

Masks – Not Stating The Obvious

Health, Propaganda

On the 6th April 2022 the Guardian published an article titled:“Microplastics found deep in lungs of living people for first time”In this article it is reported that:Microplastic pollution has been discovered lodged deep in the lungs of living people for the first time. The particles were found in almost all the samples analysed.…and:Samples were taken […]

The Art of Misdirection

COVID-19, Government, Tech

As the situation evolves with the Ukraine/Russia charade and many people’s attention is on that or elsewhere, like getting back to “normal”, we are witnessing one of the greatest distraction efforts ever conducted. The headline “war”, complete with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson popping over to war-torn Kiev for a “suprise ;)” visit is going […]

COVID-19: The Most Inclusive Illness

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

Not only is COVID-19 the most contagious disease ever despite millions of people not getting it, including the mysterious cases of one household member “testing positive” and the others not, it is one of the most inclusive. It has embraced all kinds of people, including those not actually ill. By means of this inclusive process […]

COVID Stupidity Continues

COVID-19, Propaganda

If you’re fed up with WW3 already there’s no need to fret, as the media’s coverage of the COVIDS truly is the gift that keeps on giving.On the 25th March 2022 a website called “Interesting Engineering” published an article titled “A hidden immune feature may have spared unvaccinated people from COVID-19 infections”.Yes, the innate immune […]

The Russia vs Ukraine Thing – Part 1

Corruption, Government, War

So while most of the world collectively “Stands With Ukraine” without understanding the slightest thing about what or who they might be supporting, it turns out there is some interesting stuff coming out now about some biological labs in Ukraine that are potentially connected to the Pentagon.Please note, this article, it’s author and this entire […]

More Evidence For COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness

Corruption, COVID-19, War

Rochelle P. Walensky is the Director of the CDC, the CDC that has been directly involved with pushing PCR tests that don’t work to diagnose “COVID-19”, discrediting off-patent, safe and effective medicines that work for respiratory illnesses that were/are diagnosed as “COVID-19” and pushing an experimental genetic medical product only given emergency use authorisation with […]

British Doctors Are The Best


According to Blick.ch, the Swiss news portal in an article published on the 26th February 2022, the headline reads:Politicians claim: Putin has gone “crazy”https://www-blick-ch.translate.goog/ausland/hat-long-covid-damit-zu-tun-politiker-behaupten-putin-ist-verrueckt-geworden-id17272237.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wappIn this hilarious article the assertion is that Putin is crazy because… are you ready for it?British doctors are now certain: his behavior is related to Long CovidWho knew that “Long Covid” […]

Fact-Checker Ammo


There is a document doing the rounds, part of the data release from Pfizer’s trial data the FDA was reluctant to release. It is titled “5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports” and there is a 9 page section at the end that is getting some attention (mirror).The section in question is “APPENDIX 1. […]

Upcoming Cyber-Pandemic?

Globalism, Propaganda, Tech

With the escalation of things in Ukraine and global politics, resulting in more sanctions being placed on Russia, the warnings about retaliatory cyber-attacks by Russia on US banks are also part of the narrative. On 28th February 2022 the Reuters website published an article titled “U.S. banks prepare for cyber attacks after latest Russia sanctions”. […]

MHRA – Not Fit For Purpose

Corruption, Government, Pharma

The UK Government Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the regulatory body that is supposed to assess drugs for their safety and effectiveness before they are marketed and inflicted on the general public. We have shown previously how the MHRA is funded which means they cannot possibly be objective and free from conflicts […]