We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


Here you’ll find information about COVID-19, the “global pandemic”, the reasons why it’s happening and who the major players are.

Ivermectin Smear Campaign

COVID-19, Pharma, Propaganda

If you’re to believe the huge number of blue-checkmarks parading themselves and their media outlets on Twitter regarding Joe Rogan (the $100,000,000 Spotify podcast guy) and his video posted to social media that he had COVID-19, you’d think he’d been taking a horse dewormer, or cow dewormer. A dewormer for animals anyway, which “the FDA […]

COVID-19 – Vaccinating Children and Young People

COVID-19, Eugenics, Government

As the UK Government continues to goosestep it’s way through society injecting everyone it can with it’s experimental gene-therapy, starting with “the vulnerable” which was defined very early on and has since expanded to include literally everyone, we’re now seeing them turn their attention to children. This was always where this was headed, and the […]

The Evidence for SARS-CoV-2


A Freedom of Information Request to Public Health England (PHE) asking for a copy or reference to the scientific evidence of the isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was answered recently.The request specifically asked for the isolation to have been taken from an infected person and not compromised or contaminated with other genetic material, or cultured […]

The Children

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

In Scotland 12 year old kids are now being made to feel like they have the responsibility of protecting adults from something that is almost entirely no risk to anyone. NHS Lanarkshire posted on Facebook on the 19th August 2021 about a 12 year old girl named Caitlyn who allegedly had this to say about […]

CDC Foundation – Corporate Bribe Department

COVID-19, Government

The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, AKA the CDC is part of the United States Government and their Department of Health and Human Services. Their “Bold Promise to the Nation” according to their website is a unique mission:We work 24/7 to protect the safety, health, and security of America from threats here and […]

Barclays Global Healthcare Conference

COVID-19, Pharma

Yes, it is a thing. Barclays Bank, what do they have to do with “healthcare” you may ask? Well the short answer is very little, but then you might wonder why such a thing as a “Barclays Global Healthcare Conference” exists.For those who do or are beginning to understand how this all works, it will […]

Australian Extremism

COVID-19, Government

There is something about that part of the world it seems. Both New Zealand and Australia have been incredibly aggressive over the fake COVID pandemic. The violence from Police directed at young women who dare to be in the street without a mask on is appalling, as the Prime Ministers and Premiers of the various […]

New Zealand Extremism

COVID-19, Globalism

While the world is having all it’s attention deliberately focused on Afghanistan, the associated troop withdrawal debacle and the apparently instant takeover of the entire country including some US military equipment by the Taliban who have patiently waited in caves for 20 years, New Zealand has entered another national lockdown.Today the 17th August 2021 the […]

Another change of heart

COVID-19, Government

So for over a year and a half, thinking people have been asking the question “how many people who ‘test positive’ for COVID-19 are actually ill with COVID-19?”. This question is predicated on the existence of COVID-19 and the “novel coronavirus” that allegedly causes it, but for the purposes of this article, let’s set that […]

What is it going to take?

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

On the 26th July 2021 the Daily Mail published an article titled “Minnesota medical worker has both of her legs AMPUTATED after contracting COVID-19 just days after receiving her second vaccine dose” in which it describes how Jummai Nache had received her second Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” on the 1st February 2021 and then “days later” […]

Not planning to but also planning to

COVID-19, Government

On the 16th June 2021 the Guardian published an article titled “Vaccine advisers not planning to back Covid jabs for children, says UK minister” which seems quite clear and unambiguous.Of course what should be clear from all the other statements that begin with the words “we have no plans to…” it will be exactly what […]

“If the Government can decide who is free and who is not, there is no freedom only tyranny”

COVID-19, Government

Australia has been one of the worst countries out of the so-called western democracy nations for pushing insanely totalitarian measures during this fake “pandemic” having entered “Stage Four” level restrictions and possibilities of a “Stage Five”. Victorian Premier Dan Andrews announced that the region would be entering a “State of Disaster” back in 2020 as […]

And on it goes…

COVID-19, Government, Pharma, Propaganda

Today, the 1st August 2021 the Daily Mail published an article titled “ALL over-50s will get Covid booster shots by autumn: People who got AstraZeneca ‘are set to be given a Pfizer jab’ in new vaccine drive because it is more effective against Indian variant”.In the article it mentions that a typically nameless senior Government […]

Direct Oral Anticoagulants – NHS Contract

COVID-19, Government

Published yesterday (22nd July 2021) the UK Government contracts finder website has an opportunity for a supplier to provide £3,185,000,000 (yes, three billion, one hundred and eighty five million pounds) worth of “Novel Oral Anticoagulants”.The time period for this sudden demand for treatments to tackle blood clotting is 01/11/2021 – 31/04/2024, with the possibility of […]

Placebo = Vaccination

COVID-19, Government, Pharma

The UK Government’s Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi just stated categorically in Parliament that Novavax trial participants that received a placebo, i.e. not the (claimed) super-effective “vaccine” but something else entirely, would receive their “vaccine pass”, as distinct from a vaccine passport apparently, and in the UK they would be considered “fully vaccinated”.This has to be […]

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

COVID-19, Government

The ICCPR is a multilateral treaty that was adopted on the 16th December 1966 by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2200A (XXI) and came into force on the 23rd March 1976. The ICCPR is part of the International Bill of Human Rights, along with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) […]

Australia Regrets…

COVID-19, Government

Yes, our Australian friends in New South Wales and Sydney will be facing a new level of restrictions. In NSW the Australian citizens are being told to stop behaving like humans, stop being polite as even if you’re wearing a mask you must not engage in conversation if your out and about shopping.In Sydney the […]

Models Are NOT Evidence

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

On the 7th July 2021 the BBC decided to attempt to deal with the issue of vaccinated people allegedly dying of COVID because according to them some people online “including those pushing the anti-vaccination agenda”, whatever that is, and one “conspiracy site” in particular that goes entirely unreferenced, have been using “real figures in a […]

Bias in Efficacy Reporting for mRNA “vaccines”

COVID-19, Pharma, Propaganda

In a study titled “Outcome Reporting Bias in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trials” originally published online in February 2021 (PDF mirror) the author demonstrates the evidence of the statistical sleight-of-hand and dishonest reporting related to the alleged effectiveness of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna experimental gene-therapy injections masquerading as “vaccines”.It has long been known by those […]

YouGov Mask Poll Nonsense

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

YouGov, the go-to company for garbage statistics and opaque, small cherry-picked sample-size percentage polls founded by the current Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi and used all the time by the Government and mainstream media are once again attempting to convince the world that the entire UK population holds a certain opinion based on a miniscule sample.Today […]

More Trolling by China

COVID-19, Propaganda

In an article by the New Zealand Herald on the 21st June 2021 titled “Covid 19 Coronavirus: Wuhan Institute of Virology shortlisted for ‘outstanding science achievement’ prize”, we’re treated to some more world-class propaganda and blatant trolling from the media and China.To add to the confusion and arguments around the COVID origin story, the only […]

The Hancock Affair…

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

So today The Sun is running a big story about Matt Hancock and Gina Coladangelo. The main thrust of the story by an outlet like The Sun is the “sleaze” aspect of course. This is the attention grabbing bit that most will focus on. Matt Hancock is alleged to be in a romantic relationship with […]